Bird, Bunny and Butterfly

Here is a bedtime story my kids enjoyed over and over again. Try it on any little one you are trying to get to sleep.

Bird, Bunny and Butterfly

A goodnight story by Tron Jordheim c 2001

One day Bird, Bunny and Butterfly

were out playing in their meadow.

Bunny was nibbling on some grasses and sniffing around

for some baby wild carrots.

Bird was pecking the ground, looking for some seeds

and little worms.

Butterfly was drinking nectar from the pretty purple flowers

After they had eaten, Bird Bunny and Butterfly had full bellies and wanted to rest a few minutes.

They sat and watched the pretty white clouds roll slowly across the sky above them.

They gazed up above as the clouds slowly moved over head. Bunny thought she saw a sheep outlined in the clouds. Bird said that he saw a big elephant standing on its head. Butterfly thought the clouds looked like water flowing down a stream.

It was very peaceful watching the clouds move across the sky. They relaxed and watched the clouds for what seemed like a very long time.

The sky got darker and darker. They noticed the pretty glow of pink and orange and purple off to the west where the sun was starting to set. They watched it slowly sink, making a few oohs and aahs as the colors changed.

Soon Bunny noticed it was getting late.

The sun was down and the first stars were starting to shine in the darkening sky.

The stars delighted the three friends.

Bird, Bunny and Butterfly decided since it was getting late and they’d better go home and go to bed.

Bunny went home to her bunny hole and snuggled in her nest. Her mommy came and kissed her goodnight. Then Bunny pulled her blanket up close, took a couple of big breaths and relaxed and fell asleep. She slept so well all night long.

Bird flew up to his nest and got snuggly. His mom and dad each gave him a big hug goodnight. Then bird snuggled a little deeper into his nest, took a couple of big breaths and relaxed and fell asleep. He slept well all night long.

Butterfly fluttered over to her favorite tree and snuggled up on a good leaf. Her daddy gave her a kiss good night. Butterfly snuggled up with her favorite pillow, took a couple of big breaths and relaxed and fell asleep. She slept so well all night long.

And now it’s time for you my dear to take a few big breaths and relax and go to sleep and sleep well all night long.