Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Really?

I wonder if I understand the position of people who support Don’t ask, Don’t tell and who support the banning of gays from the military?


If I get this right, then if you are one of these people and you find yourself in a far away country during a time of great chaos and turbulence, you might want to flee to the American embassy to take shelter. Let’s say there are angry crowds at the gate and there are clashes between competing militant groups only a few hundred feet away from you. In response to the chaos, the US Marines send in helicopters to pull you and the other American citizens out.


As the first helicopter lands, are you telling me that you are going to stop the first Marine jumping down to the ground and ask him or her, “Are you Gay? Cuz if you are, don’t touch me. Get back on your helicopter and get out of here! I’d rather die a violent death than let a Gay Marine help me”?


 Or are you going to say, “If you are Gay and I don’t know you are Gay, I am willing to let you pull me up to the helicopter. But please don’t tell me you are Gay, because then I can’t let you help me.” ?




As a public speaker, I am baffled at the logic, but not surprised by the lack of logic